We are saddened to hear of the passing of Bob Thomas, a long-time member of the WGI Winds Steering Committee and a dedicated educator/adjudicator for the marching arts.

With an extensive background in Drum Corps International (DCI) and Bands of America (BOA), Thomas was often associated with helping the pinnacle of the marching arts activity reach new heights. His ability to educate led him to be an international guest clinician and adjudicator, appearing in Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and Italy, along with many local states around the US.

His influence can also be seen in WGI’s newest Indoor Winds division, which has experienced significant growth since its inception in 2015. Thomas was elected to the WGI Winds Steering Committee in 2020, where he served until his recent passing. His input was crucial to developing the division’s quality and size over the years, and his contributions to both WGI and the marching arts activity as a whole will not be forgotten.