University of DaytonBackstage Prop Storage – Color Guard Only

University of DaytonBackstage Prop Storage – Color Guard Only

Ahead of the 2020 World Championships the Board of Directors put forth a directive to provide designated spaces where groups can unload and leave props, floors, and equipment behind UD Arena.

Based on this directive, WGI will cone off 19 lettered spaces that will be approximately 60’ x 36’ each behind UD arena. (See map below.)

Groups will have a published unload time (appx 90 minutes prior to their performance time) to enter their designated space. Trucks/trailers will be permitted to park in those designated spots. Buses will still park in the west lot.

These designated spots are where groups can unload props, floors, and color guard equipment.  Color guard equipment will remain in this space until your designated performance check-in time.  Props and floors will remain in this space until you are given instruction to move towards the tunnel entrance by WGI personnel. Please note that absolutely no color guard equipment will be allowed in the spectator doors. Each group should be prepared to cover their own equipment/props with a tarp, or some other protective cover in case of inclement weather.

Each group will receive a “Golden Ticket” upon arrival with your designated departure time from this space. Trucks/trailers will remain in the designated spot until your group has reloaded after your performance.  Groups who fail to remove their vehicles by the designated time may be subject to a penalty.

These designated prop storage spaces will only be available at UD Arena. WGI Staff & Volunteers will direct groups in and out of their assigned letter space.  Groups are responsible for all items & vehicles left in their assigned letter space. 
(WGI and/or the University of Dayton Arena is not responsible for lost or stolen items.)
