Save the Date: 2025 Advisory Board Information!

Save the Date: 2025 Advisory Board Information!

The 2025 WGI Advisory Board meeting dates are confirmed!

WGI Sport of the Arts will hold its Advisory Board meetings on June 6-7, 2025, at the Red Rock Casino Resort and Spa in Las Vegas, Nevada. This annual meeting gives representatives opportunities to discuss and vote on the rules and policies governing WGI. All advisory boards (one for each division) are composed of one representative from every Independent and Scholastic World finalist group and the top five (5) finalists from all other competition classes at the preceding world championships.

“This annual gathering of our Advisory Boards is one of the most important events on our calendar and allows us to discuss and develop the philosophical and competitive operations of WGI as well as serve groups that participate in our events,” said CEO Ron Nankervis. “These essential discussions and resulting decisions are critical in continuing to grow the indoor marching arts activity and set the stage for WGI and our Circuit Partners.”

Registration begins at 7:00 PM. The meetings will begin at approximately 8:00 PM Friday evening and conclude by 6:00 PM Saturday. 

There is an additional A and Open Caucus on Friday afternoon that is open to everyone.

Any color guard, percussion ensemble, or winds group participating in the current season may submit rule or policy proposals for consideration. All accepted submissions will be published online before the meeting. Any proposals passed by the Advisory Board will then be forwarded to the WGI Board of Directors for final approval at their annual meeting in July.

In addition to proposals submitted, elections for the WGI Board of Directors and individual steering committees will also occur at this meeting. More information on these opportunities will be available following World Championships.