- Group Name
- Sun City Independent
- Hometown
- El Paso, TX
- Contact
- Kody Jones
- Website
- https://www.suncityindependent.org
- facebook.com/suncityindependent
- http://instagram.com/suncityindoor
- Snapchat
- X (Twitter)
- twitter.com/suncityindoor
- Group Name
- Sun City Independent 2
- Hometown
- El Paso, TX
- Contact
- Sean Robinson
- Website
- www.suncityindependent.org
- facebook.com/suncityindependent
- instagram.com/suncityindoor
- Snapchat
- @suncityindoor
- X (Twitter)
- twitter.com/suncityindoor
- Group Name
- Sunlake HS
- Hometown
- Land O Lakes, FL
- Contact
- alan bonko
- Group Name
- Sunny Hills HS
- Hometown
- Fullerton, CA
- Contact
- Whitney Ting
- Website
- http://sunnyhillsmusic.com
- https://www.instagram.com/sunnyhillspercussion/
- Group Name
- Sunnyside HS
- Hometown
- Fresno, CA
- Contact
- Anthony Perez
- Group Name
- Sunset HS
- Hometown
- Beaverton, OR
- Contact
- Ron LaGrone
- Website
- http://sambanotes.org
- Group Name
- Susquehannock HS
- Hometown
- Glen rock, PA
- Contact
- James McGarvey
- Group Name
- Sycamore HS
- Hometown
- Cincinnati, OH
- Contact
- Ryan Lamb
- Group Name
- Synergy
- Hometown
- Rio Grande Valley, TX
- Contact
- Andrea Davila
- Website
- https://www.synergyindoor.org/
- instagram.com/synergy.percussion
- Group Name
- T.L. Hanna HS
- Hometown
- Anderson, SC
- Contact
- Andrew Gregory
- Website
- http://www.hannabands.org
- https://www.facebook.com/TLHannaBand/
- Group Name
- Tar River Independent Percussion
- Hometown
- Washington, NC
- Contact
- Tyler Tharrington
- Website
- http://www.tarriverpercussion.org/
- Group Name
- Temple City HS
- Hometown
- Temple City, CA
- Contact
- Jason Hillegaart
- http://instagram.com/temple_city_percussion
- Group Name
- Temple HS
- Hometown
- Temple, TX
- Contact
- Markus Bonilla
- Group Name
- Terrebonne Parish Combined Schools
- Hometown
- Houma, LA
- Contact
- Jacob Andrew Jennings
- Group Name
- Terry HS
- Hometown
- Rosenberg, TX
- Contact
- Rachel Castillo
- Group Name
- TestTestTest
- Hometown
- Foster, KY
- Group Name
- Texas City HS
- Hometown
- Texas City, TX
- Contact
- Benjamin Guillotte
- Website
- tchsstingband.weebly.com
- Group Name
- The Forge
- Hometown
- Denver, CO
- Contact
- Jake Euler
- Group Name
- The King's Academy
- Hometown
- Sunnyvale, CA
- Contact
- Ryan Bortz
- Group Name
- Thesis
- Hometown
- Saratoga, CA
- Contact
- Rebecca Miles
- Website
- https://www.bluedevils.org/programs/thesis-percussion/
- Group Name
- Thibodaux HS
- Hometown
- Thibodaux, LA
- Contact
- Troy Percle
- Group Name
- Thomas Jefferson HS
- Hometown
- Alexandria, VA
- Contact
- Steve Ballard
- Website
- http://www.tjbands.org
- http://www.facebook.com/pages/Thomas-Jefferson-High-School-for-Science-and-Technology/107705972591905
- Group Name
- Thomas Worthington HS
- Hometown
- Worthington, OH
- Contact
- Matthew Kilgore
- Group Name
- Thomas Worthington HS
- Hometown
- Worthington, OH
- Contact
- Guthrie Douglas
- Group Name
- Thompson HS
- Hometown
- Alabaster, AL
- Contact
- Jamiah Robbins