December 6, 2016
By Dan Schack Since I became aware of the indoor drumline and color guard activities, I've wondered what deems a show “controversial.” At some point throughout my experience marching drum corps...
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November 15, 2016
By Jenny Lyons On May 14, 1977 at the Sheraton-Palace Hotel in San Francisco, six people were about to change the face of the color guard activity. These individuals were brought together by the dream...
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October 12, 2016
By Michael Reed Have you ever wondered what your favorite color guard does before a show to calm the nerves and get focused? Have you ever been within earshot of a warmup area and heard an excited troupe...
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September 28, 2016
by Hannah Corson Those who participate in WGI spend countless hours practicing, traveling, and performing each season. Year after year, these young musicians work diligently to perfect every count of their...
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June 17, 2016
By Jenny Lyons Around 2:00 am on Sunday morning, Pulse Night Club of Orlando, Florida became home to the largest mass shooting in U.S. history. Out of the once welcoming walls of Pulse have emerged horrifying...
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March 2, 2016
By Jenny Lyons “Over the years we have definitely tried it all: pieces of floors, props, ships, flats, curtains, trees, doors, and I could go on,” says Daniel Walsh, Director of South...
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February 24, 2016
By Jenny Lyons Is it the unique strength that male performers bring to the arena? Is it the uniformity of like bodies moving over the floor? Is it the rock star fan base? What is it that makes an all-male...
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February 1, 2016
There are as many ways to view leaders as there are people who strive to become one. This week, as the marching arts world has mourned the death of Lynn Lindstrom, Winter Guard International's founding...
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January 6, 2016
By Hannah Corson As the 2016 WGI season approaches, The Black Watch of Mount Laurel, NJ is gearing up for their 50th anniversary. Due to this organization’s history, it is one of the oldest and most...
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November 23, 2015
By Hannah Corson For 30 years, Alter Ego has been an exciting growing competitor in the indoor color guard activity. Since its inception in 1987, the organization has competed at various levels and has...
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