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Color Guard
The Newest Performance Experience: WGI Winds
Winter Guard International, the world’s authority for indoor color guard and percussion ensemble competitions, is pleased to announce the creation of a third division to the Sport of the Arts organization…presenting... Read >
Sneak a Peek at WGI Winds
WGI is launching the next step in the marching arts on March 24 but fans already are seeing demonstrations at select regionals and will see lots more at the Color Guard and Percussion World Championships... Read >
WGI Presents: Spinfest & Drumfest Asia in 2014
  WGI Sport of the Arts presents:Spinfest and Drumfest Asia on May 10 & 11, 2014 at BumB (Tokyo Sports Bunka-kan)! The first international WGI educational event for color guard... Read >
The "Day After" with Kate Jablonski
By Michael Boo It’s safe to say that many of the close to 300 attendees at WGI’s “Day After” dance clinic with Kate Jablonski were not familiar with her name or her techniques... Read >
WGI Hall of Fame - Class of 2013
WGI is proud to announce the election of Ed Devlin, Fred Feeney, and Dale Powers into the WGI Hall of Fame. These gentlemen join 49 distinguished fellow honorees during a ceremony on Wednesday, April... Read >
Performer's Perspective: Super Vets
By Irving Lopez When a person joins a new guard they are introduced into a new world of rehearsal ethic, technique and members. Right from the start they take notice of who the ultimate vets are that... Read >
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