After 1,054 days, WGI is well on its way to our 45th Anniversary World Championships event, but we still need your help!
Here’s how a small donation of $30 can impact our current world championship events in a BIG way.
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The conclusion of WGI’s 45th anniversary season is quickly approaching, and we still need your help!
Here is how a donation of $125 will support our incredible volunteers who make World Championships run so efficiently.
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We are ONE WEEK AWAY from the 2022 WGI Color Guard World Championships event! Your commitment to this activity helped make events like this possible and provided countless opportunities to performers everywhere.
We are in our final push to the end, and we need your help to cross that finish line. A donation of $500 helps provide remote access to viewers all around the world. Help us share our love of the indoor activity and reach the largest possible audience with your investment today!

WGI is well on its way to our 45th anniversary World Championships event, but we still need your help!
Here’s how your donation of $60 can impact our current World Championships events in a BIG way.
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There’s only 3 weeks left before our 45th anniversary World Championships event! Don’t miss out on your opportunity to support the future of the indoor marching arts!
Here is what a donation of $250 provides to all performing members at World Championships.
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