Helping Hands: Band Shoppe

By Trudy Horsting Our “Helping Hands” feature series takes an in-depth look at how a few businesses in the marching community have gone above and beyond in their response to the need created by COVID-19. In the first article of this series, we are proud to shine the spotlight on Band Shoppe! As a large […]

Blast! Part III: Showtime/Curtain Call

By Mai Tran Every summer, the Emmy and Tony award-winning show Blast! tours Japan, utilizing percussion, brass, and a visual ensemble (VE) to create shows. We spoke to three WGI performers who went on tour with Blast! the music of Disney in 2019, to learn about their experiences. Read Part III of the Q&A feature, […]

Blast! Part II: Setting the Stage

By Mai Tran Every summer, the Emmy and Tony award-winning show Blast! tours Japan, utilizing percussion, brass, and a visual ensemble (VE) to create shows. We spoke to three WGI performers who went on tour with Blast! the music of Disney in 2019, to learn about their experiences. Read Part II of the Q&A feature, […]

Blast! Part I: Unexpected Opportunity

By Mai Tran Every summer, the Emmy and Tony award-winning show Blast! tours Japan, utilizing percussion, brass, and a visual ensemble (VE) to create shows. Many WGI performers have participated in Blast! over the years, submitting detailed video auditions before traveling abroad. We spoke to three performers who went on tour with Blast! the music […]

We are all WGI

It is safe to say these past weeks have been among some of the most tumultuous and emotional than any of us can remember. The abrupt end to the WGI season, with all its promises of small and big moments, left us to discover something profound and moving about ourselves: an overpowering wish to be […]

WGI Statement on Remaining 2020 Events

With our announcement of the cancellation of the WGI World Championships, questions about remaining events for the year have naturally arisen. On March 12, the Board of Directors unanimously voted to suspend all other events for the remainder of the 2020 season. After reviewing the social distancing recommendations of the CDC, WHO, as well as […]

Avon HS: Looking Back

By Jenny Lyons “Music was his life, it was not his livelihood, And it made him feel so happy and it made him feel so good. And he sang from his heart and he sang from his soul. He did not know how well he sang; It just made him whole.” In 1990, an eighteen […]

WGI Announces New Training Partnership with U.S. Center for SafeSport

WGI Sport of the Arts, the world’s leading producer of indoor events for color guards, percussion ensembles, and marching winds groups, today announced the creation of a strategic partnership with the U.S. Center for SafeSport. The partnership will focus on providing training to safeguard those participating in WGI from bullying, harassment, hazing, physical abuse, emotional […]

WGI Welcomes BAND App as a 2020 Sponsor

WGI Sport of the Arts, the world’s leader in producing indoor marching arts events for color guard, percussion ensembles and winds groups, announced today that BAND App will serve as a Corporate Partner for the 2020 WGI season. BAND App, a leading group communication app, is built to help organize and facilitate peer-to-peer communication. “Heading into […]

CGT: Splitting Tradition

By Annie Hollon Following a successful five years filled with memorable pre-shows, a 2018 WGI Fan Favorite award and an Open Class silver medal, the Color Guard Theatre Performing Ensembles—more commonly known as CGT—will once again be represented by two World Class performing ensembles for the WGI 2020 season. So, what’s new? This time around, […]

WGI Fan Club: The Ultimate Fan Experience

Get the ultimate fan package with the WGI Fan Club. By becoming a member of the “WGI Fan Club,” your tax-deductible donation grants you larger club seating spaces and access to a new private lounge, hosting invitation-only receptions throughout World Championships World Semi Finals, A Finals, Open Finals and World Finals events. Gain access to the […]

Paramount: The Elusive Horizon

By Jenny Lyons Paramount’s 2019 program lives. It breathes in soft airy breaths. It ebbs and flows like waves to a shore or wind through the trees. Each moment is as fluid and ephemeral as the next. Each event is complex, exponentially textured and layered—scattering in a flurry of performers before it has a chance […]

Diamante: If It’s Meant to Be

By Jenny Lyons A thread—red, thin and ephemeral, yet constant, steadfast, and unbreakable—ties you to your soulmate. This cord, beautiful in its constancy, may tangle, be pulled violently one way and then another, or stretch to its very limits; but absolutely nothing in this world can break it. This blazing red thread eventually leads you […]

Pride Props: “Another Door Opens”

By Jenny Lyons What is a door? What does it represent? It can embody the door to our future or the portal to the past; it is a symbol of opportunities given, opportunities missed, and opportunities yet to come; it is a representation of home, a safeguard from the outside world; it is the representation […]

WGIcon 2019 Recap

WGIcon will return in 2021! On Friday, September 6, and Saturday, September 7, 2019, WGI launched the first-ever WGIcon in New Orleans! WGIcon is an educational event for all instructors, designers, technicians, and administrators of Percussion, Winds, and Color Guard groups around the globe. Featuring multiple motivational speakers and a Cirque Du Soleil® workshop, we heard […]

WGI in Latin America

By Jenny Lyons On May 11, 2019, one month after the final scraps of glittering confetti had been swept up from the UD Arena in Dayton, Ohio, a new chapter of WGI history was being written 3,504 miles away in the BN Arena in San Jose, Costa Rica. Outside, the balmy 85 degree heat hung […]

Bellbrook Dads Build Bridges to Support World Guard

By Adam Adkins Being a color guard dad is a year-round job. Even more-so if you’re like Brett Woeste. Brett is effectively in charge of building the props for Bellbrook HS World Guard, a process that begins months before the kids even take the floor for the first rehearsal. For the guard’s 2019 show, “The […]