Diversity Committee Adds Four New Members

At its meeting last November, the WGI Board of Directors formed a new Diversity and Inclusion Committee charging the committee with the responsibility to develop and put forth proposals to the Board to address issues of diversity and inclusion within the WGI community. Recognizing that diversity goes beyond language, ethnicity, race, and religion to include […]
WGI Archives: Fresh Air

In our “WGI Archives” Feature Series, we take a look back at feature stories from past print copies of FOCUS Magazine! In this archive snapshot, we revisit the finals performances of WGI Winds’ inaugural year, first published in the Spring 2015 WGI FOCUS Magazine. By Michael Boo Rhythm X and Father Ryan Win Inaugural WGI […]
[ i ] AM WGI Day: Celebrating the WGI Community

By Jenny Lyons Every year, there is a pilgrimage to Dayton, Ohio. Through sprawling midwestern suburbs, past forests of spindly black trees denuded by the winter, over smooth open highways, thousands of members of the WGI Community—sponsors and vendors, volunteers, staff, performers, educators, designers, families, and fans—flock to the University of Dayton Arena. We come […]
Helping Hands: Fred J. Miller

By Trudy Horsting Our “Helping Hands” feature series takes an in-depth look at how a few businesses in the marching community have gone above and beyond in their response to the need created by COVID-19. In the third article of this series, we are proud to shine the spotlight on Fred J. Miller! On March […]
WGI Statement: June 11, 2020

WGI would like to take this opportunity to make a statement on two issues that have received attention in the world at large and within our community: our support of Black Lives Matter and accusations of alleged abuse amid a culture of silence at one group participating in WGI. The recent deaths of George Floyd, […]
Helping Hands: A Wish Come True

By Trudy Horsting Our “Helping Hands” feature series takes an in-depth look at how a few businesses in the marching community have gone above and beyond in their response to the need created by COVID-19. In the second article of this series, we are proud to shine the spotlight on A Wish Come True! Like […]
Helping Hands: Band Shoppe

By Trudy Horsting Our “Helping Hands” feature series takes an in-depth look at how a few businesses in the marching community have gone above and beyond in their response to the need created by COVID-19. In the first article of this series, we are proud to shine the spotlight on Band Shoppe! As a large […]
Blast! Part III: Showtime/Curtain Call

By Mai Tran Every summer, the Emmy and Tony award-winning show Blast! tours Japan, utilizing percussion, brass, and a visual ensemble (VE) to create shows. We spoke to three WGI performers who went on tour with Blast! the music of Disney in 2019, to learn about their experiences. Read Part III of the Q&A feature, […]
Blast! Part II: Setting the Stage

By Mai Tran Every summer, the Emmy and Tony award-winning show Blast! tours Japan, utilizing percussion, brass, and a visual ensemble (VE) to create shows. We spoke to three WGI performers who went on tour with Blast! the music of Disney in 2019, to learn about their experiences. Read Part II of the Q&A feature, […]
Blast! Part I: Unexpected Opportunity

By Mai Tran Every summer, the Emmy and Tony award-winning show Blast! tours Japan, utilizing percussion, brass, and a visual ensemble (VE) to create shows. Many WGI performers have participated in Blast! over the years, submitting detailed video auditions before traveling abroad. We spoke to three performers who went on tour with Blast! the music […]

We are all WGI

It is safe to say these past weeks have been among some of the most tumultuous and emotional than any of us can remember. The abrupt end to the WGI season, with all its promises of small and big moments, left us to discover something profound and moving about ourselves: an overpowering wish to be […]
Virtual Program Books

WGI Statement on Remaining 2020 Events

With our announcement of the cancellation of the WGI World Championships, questions about remaining events for the year have naturally arisen. On March 12, the Board of Directors unanimously voted to suspend all other events for the remainder of the 2020 season. After reviewing the social distancing recommendations of the CDC, WHO, as well as […]
2020 Solo & Ensemble

Hall of Fame: Caleb Rothe

By Michael Reed 2020 Hall of Fame inductee Caleb Rothe had a unique introduction to the world of WGI. When he was a front ensemble section leader as a senior at Etiwanda HS, he was asked by his instructor to assist with another school, Ayala HS. At his first WGI Regional, Caleb performed with his […]
Hall of Fame: Shane Gwaltney

By Michael Reed In the records of great WGI Percussion Championship shows, three that readily come to mind are Music City Mystique’s Se7en, Mantra, and The Hand of Man. 2020 Hall of Fame inductee Shane Gwaltney lead the design team that created those shows. While many designers specialize in either the visual or musical aspect, […]
Avon HS: Looking Back

By Jenny Lyons “Music was his life, it was not his livelihood, And it made him feel so happy and it made him feel so good. And he sang from his heart and he sang from his soul. He did not know how well he sang; It just made him whole.” In 1990, an eighteen […]
Hall of Fame: Tim Bray

By Michael Reed In the 27 years WGI has hosted Percussion World Championships, there aren’t many ensembles that have competed as long as Tunstall High School. In the Scholastic Concert Percussion realm, their longevity has no equal, as they’ve competed every year since 1996. Their leader for that entire time is 2020 Hall of Fame […]
WGI Welcomes BAND App as a 2020 Sponsor

WGI Sport of the Arts, the world’s leader in producing indoor marching arts events for color guard, percussion ensembles and winds groups, announced today that BAND App will serve as a Corporate Partner for the 2020 WGI season. BAND App, a leading group communication app, is built to help organize and facilitate peer-to-peer communication. “Heading into […]