Form opens here on February 14th, 2025, at noon eastern.
Cost – $85 per hour
Upgrade prices:
+$15 per hour for no indoor soccer field
+$50 per hour to request your venue (link to venue pages)
+$35 per hour for a private facility (this is color guard only, all percussion and winds venues are private)
Credit Card ONLY Accepted
Practice hours must be reserved in advance of World Championships. Each group is permitted to request up to three hours prior to each performance (Prelims, Semis, Finals… if you request Wednesday evening, that is considered your Prelims request). Based on the number of requests, we may be forced to alter your requested hours. You will receive notification if this occurs. Our goal is to provide you with the hours you request.
The practice form will close on Friday, March 14th at 11:59 pm eastern. All monies are due in the office by Friday, March 14th.
Assigning practice space at World Championships is a manual process that takes a few days to complete after World Championship schedules are released. It is our goal to ensure you have your practice assignments by the Monday before championships begin.
If you have any questions, please contact
WGI World Championship Practice form is now closed. Practice assignments will be completed after the World Championship schedule has been released. Once all assignments have been completed, if there is time remaining, all groups attending championships will be given an opportunity to purchase that time. If you have any questions, please email