VanderCook College of Music Offers Graduate Credit for Attending WGIcon

VanderCook College of Music Offers Graduate Credit for Attending WGIcon

WGI is proud to continue its partnership with VanderCook and the Music Education Center of America to offer graduate credit for attending WGIcon this coming September. Through the Continuing Education program, teachers may earn credit for attending the convention sessions and completing the necessary coursework that follows. The university offers the course as a retrospective, which allows teachers to register for the credit even after attending the professional development event.



“Our goal in this partnership is to offer a professional development opportunity for educators, specifically in the realm of the indoor marching arts,” said WGI Chief Executive Officer Ron Nankervis. “It is crucial that we support future generations of music educators because we wouldn’t be where we are today without them.”

Click here to register for graduate credit through VanderCook College of Music!

The MECA Continuing Education program offers a variety of graduate-level courses for every facet of music education. Their courses are designed to supply teachers with practical skills and knowledge that they can immediately apply to their classrooms.

WGIcon is the premiere marching arts educational event where indoor educators come to learn valuable skills and knowledge to help them take their next steps in the activity. Hear from many of the leading voices in the activity on how they make their magic happen in a program from start to finish.

To register for WGIcon 2024, visit