WGI Collaborates With Pepwear for Pride Month Initiative

WGI Collaborates With Pepwear for Pride Month Initiative

WGI is honored to partner with our official merchandise provider, Pepwear, to sell a limited edition Pride Month Collection leading into Global Pride Month this upcoming June.

A portion of all proceeds will be donated to The Trevor Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and supporting LGBTQIA+ youth. In a quote from their website, The Trevor Project is the world’s largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning) young people.

The T-shirt sale runs from June 1 – June 30, 2024, and Pepwear has agreed to match WGI’s donation amount at the end of the sales term to support the Trevor Project.

The Trevor Project believes that every member of the LGBTQIA+ community deserves a welcoming and loving world. It is a shared mission of both WGI and the Trevor Project that every person knows they have a massive community that loves and supports them in their endeavors both on and off the performance floor. WGI continually strives to be an organization that puts diversity, equity, and inclusion first, and we are happy to partner with Pepwear to foster positive change and progress for this year’s Global Pride Month.