By MJ Johnson
Juxtaposition wowed us with their 2024 production, Off the Chain. Featuring various jazz/funk music selections and multiple interlinking chain link props, Juxtaposition delivered a truly captivating performance! We met with director Stephanie Furniss to discuss creating these connections, chain reactions, and visual aesthetics that personify the unique soundtrack.

“Off the Chain began from a place of wanting to explore human connection and the “chains” that might bind us together,” said Furniss. “The idea is that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
Stephanie reveals that the idea materialized a few years ago, and they wanted to find a way to bring the concept of “chains” to life. She emphasizes how important it is for them to approach the theme of “chains” from an artistic point of view. What began as a simple chain grew into the idea of forming connections with others. From there, Stephanie and her team began to research the best music to express the themes of the program.
“We wanted to find music that catered to a wide range of people,” Stephanie says. “We looked for music that both older and younger people might be interested in.”
They eventually found inspiration in works by artists like Aretha Franklin and Ray Charles, musicians whose relevant songs Juxtaposition incorporated into the show. They weaved these songs together with higher-energy songs like Fleetwood Mac’s The Chain.

“We really wanted the show to be about the connections you can form with others, but we also wanted to put on a fun, energetic performance,” she says. Another huge inspiration came from the music video for Jungle’s Back on 74, another song featured in Off the Chain. Juxtaposition took inspiration from the aesthetics and dance styles featured in the song’s music video.
A key feature of Juxtaposition’s performance was the chain-link props. Performers used these props to dance with, hang on to, spin through, and more.
“With 50 people on the floor, we had to find creative ways to stage the props and performers together,” Stephanie notes. When brainstorming the large chain link props, they wanted them to be sturdy enough for performers to interact with while at the same time being lightweight enough to pick up and move quickly around the floor. They were even able to have the props physically linked together as well. These helped highlight the action and reaction of the human connection between performers, reinforcing the chain motif.

A standout moment in the show for Stephanie was finally presenting “Off the Chain” at their first regional. “There’s a moment where the sabers are traveling horizontally across the floor, and you can just see the individual members having fun performing,” Stephanie says. She shares that a key focus of the program was not only to present an artistic performance but to have an exciting and fun experience for both the audience and performers. The members were excited about the show, and that helped them lean into the theme of human connections.
“It was rewarding to see the audience get excited about the show and want to meet the members after shows, too.”
Looking forward, Stephanie shares that her team is excited to get back into the swing of rehearsals and prepare for the upcoming season. Her team wants to keep the energy from 2024 and build on that to continue into 2025. “We’re excited for this next season,” Stephanie says. “It’s Juxtaposition’s 28th year, and we can’t wait to see what comes from it!”

About the Author:
Madison Johnson graduated from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte with a BA in English Language and Digital Technologies with a concentration in Technical Writing. She currently works as a copywriter for a Software as a Service company in Charlotte, NC. She was a member of Étude Winter guard for five years from 2015-2019.