Insurance Information

Insurance Information

All Independent Groups are required to show proof of insurance including colleges and schools that have decided to compete in the independent classes.

Insurance Requirements

Listed below are the requirements that must be met in order to compete as an independent group at WGI events. This information should be submitted to the director’s dashboard on a one page Certificate of Liability Insurance. 

      •  $1,000,000 General Liability
      • Accident Medical ($5,000 minimum) (Note:“Med Exp”listed under the general liability category is not the same as the Accident Medical requirement.)
      • All WGI group names to be covered must be indicated on the certificate.
      • Expiration date must cover your last WGI performance for the current season.
      • Certificate Holder should read: Winter Guard International, Inc. or WGI Sport of the Arts; 1994 Byers Rd, Dayton, OH 45342

Purchase Insurance with Francis L. Dean

Groups can purchase insurance with any company that will provide the correct coverage. However, WGI has arranged a group rate through Francis L. Dean Associates, LLC. CLICK HERE TO BUY INSURANCE ONLINE. All policies are annual (12 month) policies and cannot be negotiated for less than the minimum premium amount. If you have any questions, please contact Tom Wojciechowski, Francis L. Dean & Associates of Colorado, LLC at (773) 972-1235 or


Accident Medical covers all participants, volunteer workers and staff members while participating in sponsored and supervised activities and while traveling, directly and without interruption, to and from sponsored and supervised activities and their homes or places of residence. Accident Medical coverage is going to pay medical bills of an injured participant or staff person, thus lowering the likelihood a lawsuit is filed against your organization.

Medical Expense is within your General Liability policy and is a no fault medical insurance for any spectators or non-performing participants, non-staff. No lawsuit needs to be filed for this limit to cover these types of “slip & fall”, bodily injury incidents.

General Liability policy protects your group, instructors, directors and officers against claims of bodily injury liability, property damage liability, and the litigation costs to defend against such claims. This coverage should also allow a group to rent rehearsal facilities, as most require proof of coverage.

WGI will accept insurance from a school, school district, university, or other educational institution for those groups participating in the independent classes if the school insurance covers all members. If the name of the group differs from the entity providing the insurance, the group name must appear on the certificate of insurance.

Insurance certificates can now be uploaded in the Directors Dashboard. It must be uploaded as a one-page document.

All performing group(s) must be listed on the Certificate of Insurance. If the group(s) name differs from the entity providing the insurance, the group(s) name must appear on the certificate of insurance.  Multiple groups can be covered under one policy. 

For more information on Group Requirement Deadlines click here